
Monday, May 23, 2022

​​I am still blogging…

I am still blogging...but I've moved.

Click here to visit my new blog and see the next stage of my learning journey.

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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Kids in space

Kids in space

We have been learning about space and what food to take to space.

You can take something that is dry so it is lighter to hold in space.

And we  needed to put on space clothing and then we looked  like astronauts.Then we made some stuff like a flip book and a rocket and the first person to make it to the roof and you colour the rocket. There is a straw at the back of the rocket and you get another straw to blow it up to the roof.Then we did a space dance and if you did the dance well you get a star.This term we have been learning about space.On Monday, we went to Kids in Space.Kids in space is a programme that came to our kura.We got to dress up like astronauts.I wore a white suit.

We learnt about how to eat in space.Then we made a flip book about moon phases.Did you know that there are 8 plants and some of the names are mars mercury and luna and more.We also made a straw rocket.Here is a link to instructions for making your own rocket link to making your own rocket I really enjoyed making the rocket and making stuff like a flip book and a rocket that is really fun to make.Do you like space?Did you know that there are 8 planets?

Tuesday, July 6, 2021


This week we have been learning about different types of cultures. My group was Inuit Inuit is a very interesting culture. I had slide 06 location.They lived in Greenland, Canada and Alaska. During the long, dark winter days in northern Canada, it was difficult for the Inuit. In my group I had Mailli, Nate, Makaia and Aukaha.(Inuit location is in Greenland,Canada and Alaska and they were found under a school.With nothing to do and play with.Here is the link to my groups work Link to work and here is a picture

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Waka taua.

 Waka Taua is one of the five waka's Ata hapara have been learning about. We were split  into group in my group I had Mailli, Nate & Makaia. We had to find information about waka Taua click the link to see our group word< link to work 

Waka Taua

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Arihana Arotaki mo Tāku Tau.

In class we have been reflecting on our year. i looked at the goals i set at the beginning of the year. then i had to think about weather i have achieved my goal or goal was to writing good and read good is well i also reflected on my favourite and least favourite mahi. Check my reflection slide.

Monday, November 30, 2020

The purpose of a blog.


We have been  Learning  about  The purpose of a blog post. There are 3 Reasons we blog. They are to help people learn, And get feedback about Their work, And we can brag about Are learning.

When I first started I didn't know what to do  and Now I know what to do.

When you first started did you know what to do?

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Exceptional Inferring.

During panuitia I have been learning how to infer.

To make an inference you use your prior knowledge and clues in the text to infer something. 

Today we made an inference about pictures.

 First we looked at the items in the suit case.

Then we had to infer who the suit case belongs to.

Check out my mahi. 

Have you ever made an inference about a picture or a character before?

Thank you for reading my blog.